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Scholarship Opportunities

 Ahebbak Harmony Memorial Scholarship 

360 Training & Development is pleased to offer Ahebbak Harmony Memorial Scholarship, a need-based and merit scholarship to outstanding and qualified minority female students pursuing entrepreneurship, a workforce certification, or an undergraduate degree in loving memory of Harmony Ellerbe. Through love, generosity, and community, we advance efforts to ensure equity in educational opportunities that prepares at-risk high school graduating seniors for success in life after high school. 

Our scholarships give preference to girls who are from single parent households, pregnant, pre or post adjudicated, have an incarcerated parent, or have a family history of drug abuse or mental illness. Our scholarships vary in award amount and educational interests. Whether you are a graduating high school senior pursuing entrepreneurship, a workforce certification, or an undergraduate degree, we are pleased to provide financial opportunities and recognition to assist with collegiate and post-educational endeavors. Please review individual scholarship eligibility requirements and deadlines.

    Additional Scholarships

    February Deadlines

    $2,000 Nitro College Scholarship

    C & F Scholarship

    Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile Jr. Scholarship

    Wrigley Foundation Scholarship

    Edward M. Nagel Scholarship

    GWUL Scholarship | gwulonline  

    DC Resident Scholarships

    DC Mayor’s Scholars Undergraduate Program | osse

    Scholarship Description & Eligibility Requirements - DC-CAP (

    2024 CC/DC Scholarship — Coles Crossing Dads Club (

    College Scholarships For High School Seniors | Abramson Scholarship Foundation (

    All States Scholarships

    Sister Thea Bowman

    Blacks @ Microsoft

    NANBPWC Scholarships

    Thurgood Marshall College Fund 

    Apply | Princeton Prize in Race Relations

    Farm Credit Foundation for Agricultural Advancement (  

    Scholarships | Daughters of the American Revolution (

    Top 60 Scholarships for High School Seniors in 2024 (