Ahebbak Harmony Girls Pre-Ramadan

360 Training & Development is excited to present Ahebbak Harmony, a Girls Pre-Ramadan College & Career Brunch, in memory of Harmony Ellerbe on Saturday, February  15, 2025, 11-2pm! We are expecting to support up to 100 girls in preparation of the holy month of Ramadan! 

The goal of this event is to educate and empower Muslim and interfaith girls in preparation for the holy month of Ramadan and life after high school. This event is hosted by 360 Training & Development at the Anacostia Arts Center in Washington, DC. Girls will learn more about  salah, wudu, modesty, and fasting. Girls will attend mini girls empowerment workshops, enjoy brunch, and henna.  All girls will receive gift bags filled with items to prepare for Ramadan and life after high school.

The mini workshops will cover the following topics; essay writing and storytelling, financial aid and scholarship applications, summer enrichment opportunities, health and hygiene.  Girls are also eligible to receive a letter of recommendation for college, career, or summer enrichment opportunities.

Feel free to contact Dr. Smith learn@360trainingdevelopment.com) with any questions or  concerns.

Must be a high school girl in grades 9-12 to register.  Complete the form below to register.